La Grande School District makes progress on new student center: http://tinyurl.com/46ts4mzv

School district dual language programs provide benefits to student learning: http://tinyurl.com/bdcs2nc3

ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes are being offered through Blue Mountain Community College in Milton-Freewater. More info:
Spanish Flyer: http://tinyurl.com/5n8shpzd
English Flyer: http://tinyurl.com/yejpjv57

Umatilla elementary students succeed at first robotics competition: http://tinyurl.com/bp7fu27u

CTUIR announces new education leader: http://tinyurl.com/46y5sdrc

Districts address that handling bullying for students is a complicated issue: http://tinyurl.com/pkfck3yh

IMESD’s Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (EI/ECSE) class at the Pendleton Early Learning Center was all smiles during their holiday party this year.
Here at IMESD, we hope you are enjoying your break.

Are you, or a kid you know bored at home with nothing to do this break?
Use the link below to find ways to stay busy. You can engage your body, and your mind with various different educational resources, tours, and activities. Have fun and stay warm!

Rural school districts in Oregon will have more opportunities to share their needs through the newly created OSBA Oregon Rural School Board Members Caucus: http://tinyurl.com/muhyswzf

Athena-Weston School District band students help make history at restored GEM Theatre: http://tinyurl.com/3sdhy7xd

Happy Holidays from IMESD's EI/ECSE classroom in Irrigon!
Students celebrated the last day of class before break with a cup of hot chocolate, and snacks.

IMESD Offices will be closed for Winter Break starting Friday, December 22nd through Monday, January 1st. We will re-open on Tuesday, January 2nd at 7:30 AM.
Happy Holidays from IMESD!

A La Grande High School graduate helped decorate the White House for Christmas this year: http://tinyurl.com/yeyjk3y7

Electric school buses may show up in La Grande next year: https://tinyurl.com/2p5ed442

The Oregon Trail REN provided professional development for school counselors in our region through the Counselor Connection program with an event on December 8th: https://www.imesd.k12.or.us/article/1378947

Oregon Department of Education leader Dr. Charlene Williams recently visited IMESD and eastern Oregon school districts: https://www.imesd.k12.or.us/article/1381405

🏫🦋 Migrant Education Program Update 🏂📚 Anuncio Sobre el Programa Migrante
Exciting things are afoot with a new collaboration between the Migrant Education Program and the Hermiston Public Library. Pre-school aged students have been visiting the library with the Migrant Education Program since the beginning of the school year.
During the most recent library visit, Hermiston Librarian Wendy Holden read the story “First Time,” in English; Intermountain ESD Pre-K Specialist Marisol Valencia read the story in Spanish: keeping it short to maintain the attention of excited preschoolers.
Valencia commented “Our Migrant Education pre-k students were engaged with the story and, most important, understood what was being read to them! This is our fourth trip to the Hermiston Public Library this school year, and [we] have seen developmental growth in social and emotional areas."
Valencia further shares that this collaboration has helped students familiarize themselves with bathroom routines and circle time routines, as students are guided by picture schedules. She reports that the parent involvement has been a highlight of the partnership as well.
🏂 🌟 📚 🌟 🏫 🌟 🦋 🌟 🏂 🌟 📚 🌟 🏫 🌟 🦋 🌟
Cosas excitantes están por venir gracias a la colaboración entre el Programa de Educación para Migrantes y la Biblioteca Pública de Hermiston. Un grupo de estudiantes preescolares ha estado visitando a la biblioteca pública con el Programa de Educación para Migrantes desde el inicio del año escolar.
Durante su visita más reciente, la bibliotecaria de Hermiston, Wendy Holden, leyó “First Time," en inglés; mientras Marisol Valencia, especialista en estudiantes preescolares del InterMountain ESD, leyó la historia en español: manteniéndola breve para entretener a los estudiantes.
Valencia comentó: “Nuestros estudiantes preescolares del Programa estaban atentos a el cuento y, lo más importante, ¡comprendieron el cuento! Este es nuestro cuarto viaje a la Biblioteca Pública de Hermiston este año escolar y hemos visto un crecimiento en el desarrollo social y emocional."
Valencia comparte que esta colaboración ha ayudado a los estudiantes a familiarizarse con las rutinas del baño y las rutinas de la hora del círculo, ya que los estudiantes se guían con su horario de imágenes. Valencia nos informa que la participación de los padres también ha sido un punto destacado de la asociación.
#MigrantEducationProgram #HermistonPublicLibrary #ProgramadeEducacionMigrante #BibliotecaPublicaDeHermiston #IntermountainESD

Pendleton School District's Sunridge Middle School students win awards in Peace Poster Contest: http://tinyurl.com/2p77kjy9

Elgin community tradition continues for kids: https://tinyurl.com/2y6ae2yz

Milton-Freewater Unified School District students benefit from new reading program: https://tinyurl.com/v3j3wuhn